Continuing Education Points
What are Points?
All licensed dental assistants must submit proof of 12 continuing education points per year with their membership. At the time of registration with the NBDAA, a continuing points system is provided which details the criteria for earning and submitting continuing education points.
Point System for Education Attainments
A National Dental Assisting Examining Board (NDAEB) Certificate, diploma from an accredited program, and NBDAA membership are mandatory in order to obtain an Intra Oral license. The Dental Assistant must provide proof of meeting these conditions:
- That membership fees have been paid for the year of renewal to the New Brunswick Dental Assistants Association (NBDAA).
- That 12 educational points have been obtained for the renewal year.
Procedure to Register Continuing Education Points
The Dental Assistant must:
- Keep a record of continuing education points.
- Submit attendance verification. These can be:
- duplicates of receipts to show proof of attendance;
- copies of the verification of points issued by your provincial licensing body; or Local Association paper signed by the President or Education Chairperson;
- Properly signed verification forms available through the CDAA or NBDAA; Office letterhead with employer’s signature to verify proof of attendance.
Categories and Credit Points
Courses/Seminars/Lectures – Dental or Health Related
It is understood that courses or their educational equivalent shall be dental or health related. The following sponsors of a Continuing Education course shall have their presentations automatically approved for continuing education credit points:
- All accredited dental related programs.
- Local, Provincial and National Dental, Dental Assisting/ Dental Hygiene Associations and component societies.
- Study clubs recognized by the appropriate Provincial Authority. Study clubs must maintain attendance for members and supply these on the approved verification form annually in each calendar year.
- National Dental Specialty Organizations recognized by the Canadian Dental Association.
Courses/Seminars/Lectures – Other (must be of benefit to the participant)
- Professional responsibility or ethical obligations of the participant (Volunteer = 1 pt per event)
- Post Secondary Education: Example: English, Psychology, Computer, Accounting
- Advanced Study: enrollment in a recognized institution in a full time or part time dentally related program.
- Satisfactory completion of an examination in Dental Assisting.
Conventions & Meetings
Dental Educational Material from any Provincial or CDAA Library
For each hour of lecture given outside regular duties to a study group, public education, health group, Dental Health Care Association, per convention presentation, approved by the N.B.D.A.A. An outline of the presentation must be submitted.
Original articles submitted to a Provincial Dental Publication or the CDAA Journal.
Preparing a New Education Course or Revision and updating an existing course.
Association Postions
Holding an executive position within the Canadian, Provincial and/or Local Dental Assistants Associations.
Holding a committee position within the Canadian, Provincial, and/or Local Dental Assistants Associations.
Attending a board meeting.